Does insurance cover home dialysis ?

Does your health insurance policy cover home dialysis? Dialysis is often recommended for patients with chronic kidney diseases, where the kidneys have sustained irreparable damage. The only way left to replicate the functions of the kidney in such cases is through dialysis. Generally, Health insurance policies cover expenses related to chronic kidney diseases, including dialysis … Read more

Room rent limit in Health Insurance

Choosing the right health insurance terms is crucial because you’re making a long-term commitment. You’ll be paying premiums for years, so understanding vital terms ensures your coverage truly suits your needs when you eventually need it. The term “hospital room rent limit” in health insurance policies may seem straightforward, but its scope extends beyond solely … Read more

Is physiotherapy covered under health insurance?

Physiotherapy is recommended by doctors for various conditions related to muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. This includes conditions like arthritis, back pain, sprains, and strains. Physiotherapy helps patients recover and regain mobility after surgeries, such as joint replacements or orthopedic procedures. Apart form these physiotherapy is also prescribed in various other cases like sports … Read more

Is bariatric surgery covered by insurance

Bariatric surgery, a weight-loss procedure, has become increasingly important in India due to the rise in obesity-related health issues. Does insurance companies cover the bariatric surgery cost under their health insurance plans? In this post We will analyse this in detail. As per WHO BMI greater than or equal to 25 is overweight and BMI … Read more